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We ran into a situation where we had to create two separate credential sets, using the same username, one with local profile and one without. When selecting the credentials for a task, there is no way to tell these apart (besides case sensitivity). Please add the ability to specify a label or display name that can be different than the username.
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Originally Posted by: squirrel 

We ran into a situation where we had to create two separate credential sets, using the same username, one with local profile and one without. When selecting the credentials for a task, there is no way to tell these apart (besides case sensitivity). Please add the ability to specify a label or display name that can be different than the username.

I haven't ran into this yet, but I can think of a few instances where I might in the future and would agree that some sort of distinction would be nice.

I'd like to second this request.
In our environment we have a bunch of local accounts with the same username but different passwords. Its hard to tell which account is which when they all are named loginname@.
So some kind of displayname / comment on the credential to tell which goes where would be really useful in our case.

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