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we recently started using VisualCron. Overall, very pleased, but there are a few minor GUI enhancements which would make the experience much better.

1. Esc key to close/Cancel screens - so for example when the Edit Job screen opens, up, hitting Esc should do the same as Cancel.
2. Tab Order on Interval date/time - so when entering the time for an interval trigger, type the hour, [tab], type the min, [tab], type the seconds,[tab] OK [ENTER] (with Esc to Cancel)


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I would like to have the possibility to show the server name as a column in the grid view and as a result of this removing the server as the first grouping element.

The reason is, that if you are using a number of servers for your jobs the filtering and ordering of shown tasks and jobs is unnecessarily restricted by having the server name as fixed grouping option. E.g. it is not possible to sort after trigger or last run time over all jobs on all servers ascending or descending.
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