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I have an SQL task that returns a string value of "name 1, name 2, name 3" as a single string. However, the VC SQL task output will put each value on its own line regardless of the output settings (field separator, line break).

Any ideas on how to keep this value in tact on a single line?
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Please add screenshot of SQL result in SQL Management tool and screenshot from VC. It sounds like you have only one column. Then it will use the Line break specified.
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Unfortunately, I cannot provide a screen shot. I have introduced a temporary workaround,and also its sensitive data.

Yes, there is only one column of data that has multiple rows in the VC ouptut. The string that I am referring to is definitely a single string, and was confirmed in MS SQL manager. My issue is that VC is adding line breaks, regardless of the line break setting I specify.
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