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Hi, I am just looking for some thoughts from anyone how I could best try to schedule these jobs. Here are requirements.
JOB1: Runs every other Wed (even-week) @ 16:30
JOB2: Runs at 04:00 (Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat of even-week and Tue-Fri of odd-week), Does not run the morning after the JOB1 process is run
JOB3: Runs after JOB2 on Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat of even-week and Tue-Fri of odd-week, Does not run the morning after the JOB1 process is run

Proposed Triggers:
JOB1: Time Interval - Specific Days of the Week (Wed), Interval 2 weeks, @ 16:30

For JOB2 / JOB3, I am trying to see if I should build the schedule for these around Thursday of the even-week or if I should try to make it with visualcron job dependancy linked to a time interval schedule. For some reason I don't think the later is possible, but I am interested what others think who might have solved a similar scheduling situation.
Forum information
1. User the interval time trigger. Set it to run every 14 days starting at the first even Wednesday. Set the time in the same window.
2. here we have problems as we do not have the dependency option to other Job
3. same here

Only way to workaround 2 and 3 would be to add your own logic. Maybe in a .NET Condition. It is not easy as specific code needs to be written for this.
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Ok, thanks for the reply. I might head down the .net condition cause I just recently wrote one to prevent a job from running on the first business day of the month. This should be pretty easy since I can pass in job specific variables into the .net code to perform the custom evaluations. I just need to figure out how to make the condition generic and maybe use Job Specific variables to pass in the values to check.

Thanks for the sanity check on the scheduling options.
As a sidenote to this: If you have access to a database it makes this kind of logic easier. We have an Sql server instance where we have created a database just for VisualCron stuff. So you could have the jobs write to a table when they have run. This way, job2 and job3 could check this table to see the last time job1 had run and so on. It is more of a setup of course, but it saves you pain in the long run.

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