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Question about how the task flow for an "On Error" event type should be handled. I had one of my users create a job with tasks and when an error occurred on a particular task, he has it send a notification. The task in question gives a "77777" exit code that we, in the "On Error" tab of the task, have it set to not raise an error when it see's that exit code. A task to run another job, for example, gives this exit code which is not an error and we want to ignore.

However, the notification still gets sent even if the task was a "success". This leads me to believe, that if a notification is programmed on a task, it will always send a notification if the exit code is not "0". Simply, it will ignore any output error handling.

The end-result of the above scenario was an email every time the job ran and when it hit this task.

Technically, in my opinion, we should have the notification on the Job to thwart needing to put notifications on each task. In this instance, there is nothing special about the task that required its own notifications. That being said, it feels like the spirit of the notification system should honor the output error handling. True?

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Apparently, I dont know how the On Error works so please ignore my ignorance. I'm going to read the manual, do some testing, and then if there is still an issue I'll come back. Sorry, I just realized I might have an internal gap.
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