Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Office365 - Add calendar event(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Office365 - Get calendar event(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Office365 - Update calendar event(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Office365 - Delete calendar event(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Database - Sync table(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Trigger->Printer Trigger
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Update VM
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Create VM
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Start web site
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Stop web site
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Restart web site
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Remove web site
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Azure - Create web site
[FEATURE] Client: Improved SFTP - Brute force test
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SCP->Added support for public key authentication
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SSRS Task->Fixed support for multiple (array) parameters
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Email - Get header(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Email - Get message(s)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Email - Get single message
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Email - Delete single message
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Email - Delete message(s)
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Fixed issue with some Email result Variables like AttachmentFolder, MailPath and MailFolder
[BUGFIX] Server: Events->Added missing Task Notification not found event
[BUGFIX] Server: Loop->Fixed a problem with wait loop values
[BUGFIX] Server: Amazon S3->Fixed problem with creating folders in Download Task
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Changed default location for web engine to prevent problems with temp folder
[BUGFIX] Server: Variables->Fixed Job Variable reference issue when mixing Variables from different Jobs
[BUGFIX] Server: Get AD Object property Task->Fixed converting some specific date values
[BUGFIX] Client: Connections->Fixed filter to filter on Address too
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SCP->Fixed folder creation for download
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SCP->Fixed drag and drop for upload issue (wrong target folder and name)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: License->Fixed a license validation (maintenance expired + using latest possible version)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Web service Task->Fixed issue with supporting older versions of server certificate
[BUGFIX] Server: Image - Crop->Fixed crop issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Logging->Improved cleanup by compacting database
[BUGFIX] Server: Jobs load/sync->Fixed issue when referencing to Task in Trigger (when Task not yet has been loaded)
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Fixed issue aborting a running macro
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Fixed compability issue on a web site
[BUGFIX] Server: XML - Sign->Added missing dll
[BUGFIX] Server: Task->OnError: Changed logic for 'Do not raise error'
[BUGFIX] Server: Remote File Trigger->Fixed issue using Variables in Download->Destination folder
[BUGFIX] Server: Loop->Added ability to abort loops faster
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Forum information
Thank you for your testing. VisualCron 8.3.4 was released today.
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