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Can you consider two GUI enhancements.
1) The width of the Server selection box is too narrow and I cant see the differnce in the server name as they end in 01, 02 etc.. but the width is such that we cannot see at a glance which one we are connecting to. See Picture

2)The zoom for the Calendar ( Tools->Calendar) defaults to an hourly view of the most recent 24 hours, but we have jobs firing several per hour so they just show up as all bunched up. If I zoom the slider to show 10/30 minute increments, the default start time is still at midnight. My guess is that the majority of folks would want it to start at the current time. Also, each time the Zoom is pressed it resets the start back to midnight, even if you have already changed it to a different time. It make the calendar utility much less useful for me.
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IT User
It would also be good if we can see all jobs which run concurrently. As it stands in the Calendar view, One Job is overlay-ed above the other, which means when printing, screenshot, only one Job can see seen.
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