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I have a couple of tasks that keep failing, and no matter what I've tried I can't get them to work. Some of the error logs suggest that the VC service is running as SYSTEM, because it's trying to access the system user's My Documents folder (C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Documents). Many of the files I need VC to access are actually on our LAN, and I'm not sure that the system user has access to them. E.g. I created a job that has a couple of tasks that write to a log file, and VC wasn't able to write to the file. I fixed that by specifying some credentials to use while writing, but I don't want to have to do that for every task - I'd like the VC service itself to run under these credentials. Or, more accurately, I'd like the VC service to run under whatever user account is logged into the computer that VC is running on, but I don't see an option to change that. Is this something I missed in the initial setup? Or does the option not exist?

Forum information
Not sure if this what you are asking for, but we have specified a user under services on the server:

Thanks, that does look exactly like what I need, but unfortunately our I.T. department has locked down a lot of that type of functionality in Windows so I can't access it. I was hoping there might be a setting actually in VC.
Then you should use Credentials. We do not recommend that you use another user than SYSTEM but instead use Credentials whenever you need to access a network resource or run as another user. Most Tasks have Credential option.
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