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Are there any plans to protect connections with permissions, like you can with jobs? It would be useful to stop unauthorized access to connections.

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I agree that it would be useful, but isn't this very tricky? Permissions regarding adding or altering connections should be possible , but do you also want VC to prevent user from running jobs that use connections they don't have access to? What if you run a Job that calls another job down the chain that has this connection?
It is the responsibility of the the creator of job to set the appropriate permissions, and make sure the various groups have the correct access. VC handles this fine, but it does not prevent a VC user from one group using another group's resources. I would think it a simple task to filter resources if they were associated to a group. We are using VC in a big organization with many different business units, whereby the groups have different security requirements to meet data protection laws.
Originally Posted by: SteveWatts 

Are there any plans to protect connections with permissions, like you can with jobs? It would be useful to stop unauthorized access to connections.


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