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Hey VisualCron Team!

Today, I attempted a VisualCron Server Restart to try to resolve an issue I was facing with a Powershell task (The issue was ACL related, but I wasn't aware at the time) and I found that VisualCron dropped one of my retrying tasks. Completely. With no warning! I didn't know until I got an E-Mail from the recipient later in the day, telling me their task hadn't been completed. This was a task level retry, not a job level configured retry or loop.

Is it possible to have VisualCron throw an error if a task retry is interrupted, rather than silently failing? Or maybe if there's an active job in progress, the server could throw a warning before shut down?

Forum information
I am not sure what you mean by "dropped one of my retrying tasks" and "VisualCron Server Restart". If you try to restart the VisualCron server while it is running it will not continue or remember where it was.
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So I can set jobs to be run the next time the server turns on if their execution time was in the past, but they hadn't yet been run. This means that I can safely restart my VisualCron server (as in, the computer itself), knowing that any job which was supposed to run while the server was off would be run as soon as the VisualCron service boots back up. However, if I do so while a task is in the middle of performing retries, the VisualCron service simply forgets about the task.

Perhaps a warning if there is a task in the middle of looping? Something along the lines of, "A task is in the process of running. If you power down the server, you will lose any unfinished tasks." before the computer is allowed to reboot is what I had in mind.
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