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Here is a list of some issues we run into with the 8.3.4, we didn't had enough time to test those on the last release but I didn't see any change in relation in the changelog so they must be always current:

  • When you clone jobs the triggers seem to be copied not cloned with an individual id, which can trigger both job even if you modified the clone
  • Cloning job destroys trigger dependencies
  • Sometimes the task status is not correctly displayed in the GUI but if you look at the task logs it is correctly displayed
  • If you display 2 instances of visualcron (visualcronA and visualcronB) on the same GUI and clone a job from A to B and edit the cloned job on B sometimes it edit the job on A if both are displayed on the GUI.
  • Sometimes a remot task execution don't terminate, if it occurs it is not possible to stop the job/task. The only options are to wait for a timeout, restart the remote server or restart the visualcron service either options are not viable.
  • There is no way to display the task description on the GUI
  • If you start a test job, the running job windows don't display the job's name but only (NA, NA)
  • If you look in the server log for an old job run which as been recently renamed it displays the new name not the old one. Same behaviour for a deleted job.

I hope you can have a look to this list. If you need more explaination, don't hesitate!
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