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See the image below. On the left side is an editor window, in this case when editing the Value for the create file task, it is impossible to tell if there are blank lines below the 2 lines showing in the window. I have had issues in the past where I had to go back and remove blank lines. One must arrow down to see if the cursor moves down there in order to see if they are NULL lines or blank lines.

My request is to add a NULL line indicator indicator similar to the Gvim text editor. On the right is the Gvim editor with a couple of text lines. The NULL lines all start with a tilde so it is easy to see at a glance the difference between a blank line and a NULL line. Note the tilde on the NULL lines use a different font tilde so it can't be confused with a typed tilde (which is unlikely anyway).

As one moves down to the next NULL line, the tilde simply vanishes.

Thanks for your consideration.

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