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I'd like to parse the output of the Job Report task. But a lot of my job descriptions contain commas and semicolons. It would be helpful to have tab as a delimiter for both file and output. So the available options would become:

* To printer
* To PDF file
* To CSV file
* To tab-delimited file
* To HTML file
* To output (CSV format)
* To output (tab-delimited format)
* To output (HTML format)

Alternatively, for even more flexibility, it would be great to offer all the options in the field-separator dropdown of the Output tab of the SQL Task. So instead of having separate radio buttons for tab-delimited output, you could just specify the delimiter for the CSV format:

* To printer
* To PDF file
* To CSV file (field separator drop-down)
* To HTML file
* To output (CSV format) (field separator drop-down)
* To output (HTML format)

The field separator drop down has these options:

Colon, Semicolon, Comma, Pipe, Tab, Blankspace, Tilde, None, Equal, Cr, CrLF, Lf

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