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  •  d32
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I'm trying to set up a chain of jobs of 1-2 executable tasks each (usually running an executable), and each subsequent job is triggered based on success of the previous, but I noticed that if I manually stop any of the jobs it is still considered a success and the subsequent jobs will still get triggered. Is there any way around this? I take it that it might have something to do with the return code that is determining whether the job is success or error, but I'm not sure how to set the return code when manually stopping a job or task or even in general when I'm running an executable.
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At the moment it is considered a "success" when you stop a Job. What you can do is to use Job/Task control Tasks instead of Triggers in the end of each Job.
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  •  d32
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Not sure I follow. I would stop a task/job only if there were issues with the run in general, but since when I stop the task it was considered a success and since all subsequent jobs were successful previously the next job would still trigger.

I don't want to change the job/task control of a given job if I just want to stop and kill the problematic job/task without subsequent jobs triggering.
Originally Posted by: d32 

Not sure I follow. I would stop a task/job only if there were issues with the run in general, but since when I stop the task it was considered a success and since all subsequent jobs were successful previously the next job would still trigger.

I don't want to change the job/task control of a given job if I just want to stop and kill the problematic job/task without subsequent jobs triggering.

Yes, it is a valid point. We will see what we can do about that. I have submitted this to the developers. The way to work around it now is to use Job/Task control Tasks instead.
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Originally Posted by: Support 

At the moment it is considered a "success" when you stop a Job. What you can do is to use Job/Task control Tasks instead of Triggers in the end of each Job.

This has been a somewhat troublesome issue for the processes I work with too. VisualCron has enabled us to efficiently combine a whole host of different processes efficiently, integrating the unique dependencies that each have on one-another. Having such an integration with a variety of third party software, along with internal processes means that there are often minor issues that need addressing. In such cases, the processes running may need to be stopped, and then rerun once the fix is in place (typically within a few minutes). These fixes tend to be relatively unique and require manual intervention, so they are not something we can handle with additional job/task control at this point in time.

The only work-around that we have found is to disable any jobs that follow, then stop the job, re-enable the respective jobs and resume. The issue with this approach is that disabling the job resets all of the triggers, some of which cannot be triggered manually. It is also quite error-prone with the potential to disrupt the flow of the processes.

A suitable solution for this may be to allow the option to define what stopping a job is classified as (success/fail/stopped), or alternatively adding an additional option to the job triggers such as "Job completed - stopped", and similarly the job flow to determine "On stopped -> Continue/Stop".
  •  d32
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Is this still being worked on? Not sure if there is a resolution to this, and the workaround is cumbersome at best.
Is there any updates on this one?
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