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Scott Wilson
My go to method to save a doc is to just X out at the top right of the window, you're then prompted to 'Save' changes as opposed to file > save, file > quit.

When you hit the X top right of the dialogue box in VC your changes are gone without warning so I too frequently loose jobs, descriptions, SQL changes and variables.

Would be great if this functionality was added in.

Forum information
Yes we have had this issue also but on discussions with Visual Cron it doesn't appear to be too easy to add this, the dialogue would need to know if something had changed or not (or we just always save the job regardless of whether it has changed or not
Scott Wilson
Originally Posted by: al355 

Yes we have had this issue also but on discussions with Visual Cron it doesn't appear to be too easy to add this, the dialogue would need to know if something had changed or not (or we just always save the job regardless of whether it has changed or not

Instead of knowing if something has changed, could you do a comparison of the current job / task's saved (XML?) file against what the save would look like at the time the X is clicked and if there is a difference trigger the prompt?

That seems like the logical way to do it to me also but it will need someone from Visual Cron to explain why it's not possible
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