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Doug Deden
I was looking for a "Move File" task. The closest things I found under Tasks -> Add -> File were "Copy Files" and "Rename Files". I figured that renaming a file to a new directory was kinda like a move, so I started down that path. When I couldn't get it to work, I took a look at the on-line help at . Lo and behold, what do I see a few lines above the Rename entry on that page -- "Copy/Move file(s)". Hooray! That's exactly what I'm looking for.

So, my feature request:

Change the name of the "Copy files" task to "Copy/Move files" in the list of tasks. That will make it match the name of the task in the Help system, and also match the name in the description of the task itself on the task's dialog page -- "The Copy/Move file(s) Task lets you ...". That will help people find it when looking for a task to move files.

Thank you.

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