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In the compare version page (, we see that

Number of Tasks for Basic and Pro are 142 and 333 resp.
Number of Trigger for Basic and Pro are 16 and 27 resp.

Can you explain more on that? Is it for a single Job? What happen if these no exceeded?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: CMBI-IT 


In the compare version page (, we see that

Number of Tasks for Basic and Pro are 142 and 333 resp.
Number of Trigger for Basic and Pro are 16 and 27 resp.

Can you explain more on that? Is it for a single Job? What happen if these no exceeded?

It's not the number of tasks/trigger that you can have on the server, it's the number of different tasks/trigger that is available to use

When you scroll down on https://www.visualcron.c...basicvsprofessional.aspx  you can see there's an X marker on some tasks/trigger for the basic version - that means that trigger/task is not available for you to use when you have the Basic version.


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