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Hi, I am currently having problems trying use a WebDAV folder, that is not controlled by our company but a third party

Adding a WebDAV connection directly does not seem to work. Server address as provided to us, is https://xxx yyyyyyyy com:port/directory
  • With that address and additionally inputing the port, I get "HTTP error"
  • With SSL v 2 I get "Failed to retrieve file list: SBHTTPSClient.EElHTTPSConnectionShutdownError: Connection failed due to error 10054"
  • With TLS v 1.1 / 1.2 I get "WebDAVHTTPSClient error code 75795"
  • If i remove the explicit port from the address: "Failed to retrieve file list: SBHTTPSClient.EElHTTPSConnectionShutdownError: Connection failed due to error 10060"
"Manage Connections" window seems to always display port as 443, regardless of what is input as port

Moving on, I've tried adding a network drive with the path in UNC form. I can write a file and list files, but cannot copy a file from another UNC path with different credentials to this WebDAV directory

Exception in Task: System.Exception: Writing thread not started
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskCopyFilesClass.InstantiateComparator(String v, Boolean testord) in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\File\clsProcessTaskCopyFiles.vb:line 821
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskCopyFilesClass.RegisterComparator(TaskCopyFileItemClass def) in C:\git\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\File\clsProcessTaskCopyFiles.vb:line 407
Exception in Task: System.Exception: No file(s) copied

Then, I've tried PowerShell with its New-PSDrive, that seems to hang if credentials are provided in the script due to a bug also mentioned in PowerShell github. There is a workaround, and looks like I might have to try also that

PowerShell with simple "net use" also doesn't seem to work, not sure if it also is due to credentials and/or UAC.

Running Windows Server 2012 R2 and VisualCron 9.1.5. Also running quickly out of options
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