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I experienced what I believe are bugs when using the Sync File task. It's a task type added in version 8.3.5.

The task copies files back and forth as expected, but deletions do not function as expected.

The sync task did work as expected at first. I tried deleting a file and renaming a file, and both propagated as expected. Then I tried renaming the file back to its original name… and it created a copy of the file with both names to both folders (so the new named file was copied to the destination, and the old named file was copied back to the source). After that I couldn’t get any deletions to work.

I also noticed that the “Cleanup folder after this many versions” option would not save. That is, I would choose that option and then save the task, but then the next time I’d open the task, the “Cleanup folder after this many days” option would be selected instead. That may be a UI bug, as the "versions" setting does show up in the exported job.

I’ve attached a document detailing (briefly) my settings and tests, and also an export of the job I used for testing. I also tried some other settings, specifically whether the task should copy file attributes, use checksum, compare attributes, etc. but did not include those tests in the doc, as they did not make a difference. (4kb) downloaded 37 time(s).  Sync Files Task Testing.doc (112kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
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