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  •  Lee
  • Free support Topic Starter

As per email to support on 9 Oct 2014.
I would like to request some features on he Popup task which will help us as we would like to expand it usage.

1. If I have too many Inputs, they do not fit on the pop up. They just list themselves down the screen. You can resize the window but only so much can be done. There is a lot of free space between the options (when using Checkbox or Radio Button Input types) which could be reduced to allow more options to fit.

2. If we could have some options for the Pop up Message Text box. E.g. resizing options and option to disable/enable the pop up message text box completely if not needed? (This could help with point 1 also.)

3. Not a major one, but there is no way to re-order your Input list.
E.g. If I have created a list of inputs or add a new input and wanted to put them in a given order, you are forced to delete and read them in the order you want. e.g. Radio buttons in Alphabetical order to look better in the Popup when run.

The original email contains various screen shots of examples. which is attached.

Thanks in advance

File Attachment(s):
Popup enhancements.doc (202kb) downloaded 64 time(s).
Forum information
  •  Lee
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hi Support
Just wondering if there was any movement on the above enhancement suggestions. We would like to start using the Popup task for more jobs to roll out to users and this would help greatly with usability.
Many thanks
This has now been implemented in 7.6.5.
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