VisualCron FTP automation will take care of the security threats that haunts your business

FTP stands for file transfer protocol and it is a platform that is used to transfer files between computers on a network. FTP is useful in case you wish to upload and download the files in a systematic form that can also be used as a backup for the future. FTP requires FTP tool that has the inbuilt facility to drag and drop the files to instantly copy and move.

File transfers have different purposes but the utmost aim of using FTP is to take the file backups and restoring the data that is accidently lost. Various organizations securely transfer the files across their local network. In addition to FTP, the similar protocols such as FTPS, SFTP and SCP are equally supported by VisualCron.

Role Of Connection In VisualCron

"Connections" in VisualCron is a task management section where you would find various tasks and processes listed in the hierarchical .form. You don’t have to individually add the server details in each task but as per your need. The change in information like passwords to these tasks would make it a global change on your system settings and that too is protected with VisualCron encryption.

Since technology has advanced to a level where the user wish to keep each and every connection details, VisualCron provides all the essential connection information like security, timeout and debugging functions.

Ease of Upload and Downloads

No matter how organized we remain, within the organization, the need for regular data backup and information is quite obvious. It includes massive downloads and uploads throughout the day. For such requirements, the direct access to the file directory and manual file actions are mandatory. With automation, you can easily do it with one time setup and you won't have to dig down much but just once.

With the use of remote and local file filter in VisualCron, you can choose the file types that requires download on regular intervals. You can even do advanced filtering among folders, by date, masks and other options. Once the task command is formed using the VisualCron Add/Edit Command view, the auto upload and download can be activated. You can even go for the test run to see how many files are listed in the filtering.

FTP Triggers

Remote file triggering can be created to monitor the changes happen in FTP /SFTP /SCP files and folders. Over the remote file triggering, you can even download the new files to different folders.

The Importance of Cloud Automation For Big Business Enterprises

Cloud has arrived long time ago and still growing with each day. I remember when I used to manually set out my monthly backups on my hard disk and then the things got changed. Cloud services like google drive, dropbox and onedrive are very useful when it comes to save data and access it at the same time. The documents, files, folder, music, videos and literally every other kind of file can be uploaded and downloaded using the cloud platforms. You can rely on these services for your daily backup needs and even in business, people are consuming the cloud data services a lot.

Why Cloud Automation Is Needed?

This is question that arises naturally and there is a specific answer to it. The cloud is great to store data and retrieve it remotely. You need not to worry about the server failures and mobility. The cloud data of your enterprise can be accessed from anywhere provided that you have a connection to the internet.

In any enterprise that uses the cloud technology, the need for regular upload and downloads exists and there, you find it utterly tiring to carry on the process manually each time. It also requires cost per employee to manage such data.

Now, consider a situation where the data can automatically be downloaded and uploaded with just a preset trigger in an automation software like VisualCron.

You just have to set out the trigger once and the cloud automation related function can happen repeatedly till the time you do not either stop it manually or the time limit expires.

Live Synchronization

You need not to worry about the platforms that provides the cloud services but not the live synchronization. You can set out such tasks in which the VisualCron triggers the auto synchronization i.e. downloading or uploading the data and keeps your cloud inventory updated with the local inventory.

How Does It Work?

In the VisualCron Server Tab Menu, visit the Tools and there you can easily set the connection preferences. VisualCron has an added benefit that you can monitor a folder's modification using the Cloud file trigger feature. Whenever a change is made in the file or folder, the trigger automatically fires up.

VisualCron is a great windows based automation software that solves various other automation needs in addition to the cloud automation requirements. Download your 45 days trial or visit here for the price quote information.

VisualCron encryption automation: Why is it necessary?

Business process automation has arrived as a boon to the industries and businesses all around the globe. With every task, there comes the responsibility of security. We have already passed the time when the digital technology was infant and nowadays, with the advancement, the security concerns have become common in any business. The technology of data encryption is thus introduced in order to prevent data thefts, manipulation and corruption.

The common area where the technology of encryption is applied is during any form of conversation, financial transaction and file transfers. If you notice carefully, these are the most essential areas of action in any industry and compromising it is never recommended by the IT professionals.

Encryption converts the transaction data into anonymous information until it is received at the user's end. So, the data cannot be read, mismanaged or manipulated in between.

Visualcron is particularly built in a way that your encryption requirements are fulfilled in an automated form. Industrial file transfer protocols demand encryption for secure file transfer.

VisualCron is compatible with both the symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is an old technology in which the data is encrypted in a random order of letters, numbers and symbols that is almost impossible to predict or crack. The decryption can be done with the use of passphrase that both the users contain.

The encryption in both the cases is carried out using an algorithmic pattern which remains fixed. It means that an encrypted data with AES encryption cannot be decrypted by any other encryption method. VisualCron is compatible with all the popular encryption algorithms and thus provides you the flexibility to work on the encrypted platforms.

For both the asymmetric and symmetric encryption, VisualCron supports the OpenPGP standards. The supported algorithms include AES128, CAST5, 3DES/TripleDES, IDEA, BLOWFISH, AES256, DES, RC2, Rijndael AND TWOFISH.

It is vital for the business to recognize the need of an encryption automation technology so that the manual intervention in the encryption related tasks and processes can be reduced.

Business process automation is more of an adaptive technology and with the user friendly platform of VisualCron, you can easily set out the tasks and processes prioritizing your requirements. Even a non technical person can easily relate and follow the simple instruction that are built in the software.

Download your 45 days trial or visit here for the price quote information.

4 Things About Robotic Process Automation That You Should Know

The tasks and processes in any organization when managed by a software tool that has the capability automatically execute, manipulate, trigger and communicate with the system processes is called the robotic process automation. Robot here depicts the idea of eliminating the human intervention or efforts and instead performing the set of tasks through the help of an automated process handler. This process and task handling application is also known as the task automation software.

Businesses require a lot of efforts, human and mechanical power on daily basis to tackle various situations such as monetary transactions, report generation, task scheduling and even small things like executing daily windows based programs, copying files and folder, taking regular backup, etc.

All these tasks were earlier handled by the employees in any organization and with time, the robotic process automation is introduced and the businesses have adopted it for better results in small amount of time.

1. Automatic Program Execution

Robotic process automation is cyclic in nature. This means that a simple trigger that is defined over the software tools such as VisualCron can be used as a cyclic algorithm to execute, run, close and do other relevant functions on its own.

This saves a lot of money that organizations usually invest on hiring the employees and also saves time as softwares run on fast algorithm processing. In almost every sense, the end results are far better than manual integration of data.

2. Saves Time and Effort

There are definitely some areas where manual intervention is compulsory and cannot be compromised. However, a large section of the business processes is occupied by the tasks that can easily be automated and does not require regular checks.

It can used as a tool to relieve your employees work burden or even as a personal assistant which does a whole variety of tasks for you so that you can work on other priorities.

3. Easy User Interface

The user interface of robotic process automation software like VisualCron is so simple and structure that even a novice can use it efficiently. If you just wish to automate programs and tasks, you hardly need any programming skills to handle its backend coding and programming.

4. Versatility

It almost handles every other tasks in windows operating system and provides some exceptional features like extended logging and error handling that lets software do the essential checks and re execution for you. VisualCron is preferred by many windows users for its great efficiency and potential to handle large number of tasks and processes at the same point of time.

Some Essential Windows Tasks That VisualCron Handles Efficiently

A large section of the businesses trust windows based operating system for their everyday essentials. Windows is a versatile platform and every other business has at least created their application for it. In business or personal day to day windows usage, we come around numerous tasks that consumes a lot of time and energy in the execution and handling.

Now, what if someone handles it for you. Yes! Consider VisualCron as a source that can handle those numerous windows based tasks. Let's discuss some of these tasks in brief to give a clear picture.

1. Process Killing

Not just execution but process killing is equally important. A task scheduler software like VisualCron can also schedule a task killing as unnecessary tasks can consume a large amount of memory which slows down your computer systems. It also comes equipped with the Remote Killing. So, you can even terminate the process from another server in the network.

2. File Transfer Protocol

File backups are necessary and required too. Every other business understands it. You don't want to lose your data on the cloud or by any other means. What VisualCron does is it automates your file transfer in such a manner that you don't have to go back and click each time to save those huge files. It can be simply executed on its own.

3. Messaging and Emailing Tasks

Few messages and emails can be replied manually. But, what if you need to automate the emails. With VisualCron, you can even do that. It supports XendApp, Instant messaging, Pushbullet, Various email clients and handles structural features like sending message and SMS, links, files and uploading them too.

4. File Tasks

Who does not want to do the copy, paste, write, read, rename various file and folder when they are huge in number. With a common executable script, the folder and file names can be automatically created. It serves a lot in maintaining the hierarchy in the file systems. Delete the folders and files anytime as VisualCron can easily related to names it has given to various files.

5. Office based Tasks

MS Excel sheet is something that is used by almost every other business or a person in everyday life. The tasks like extracting data from various columns, rows, assigning specific position to values, converting excel files into various readable format, getting calculations and counts can simply be done by just scheduling a task in VisualCron.

Windows 10: Configuring scheduling tasks effectively

It's been a long time since the windows 10 is introduced and marked a revolution in the market. Various file structuring and user interface parameters have been redesigned and data handling capabilities are enhanced.

VisualCron understands every aspect of the most recent windows version and has updated its data handling capabilities to synchronize well with all the version of windows operating system. Automation can now be utilized with much more ease.

Businesses from small to medium and even big require a parallel work support that VisualCron effectively delivers. It creates various triggers that can achieve the desired amount of automation requirements in your windows based operating system platform.

No matter if the process runs in the background or foreground, it is always navigated by various triggers and any change in those file systems can be tracked and manipulated as per the user requirements.

Scheduling tasks were never this easy, be it deleting, renaming, creating files, handling FTP, automating cloud services and the list goes one. You don't need to be a technical scientist to understand its user interface. All you need to acquire is a sense of understanding the triggers and their functioning with various file tasks and windows processes.

Once a trigger is created, you can do a lot like automating processes, creating logs and execution summaries. This saves time and money that you can spend elsewhere for a better business modelling and structuring.

VisualCron reacts very good with the inbuilt file functions and programming interface of windows 10 and provide you the abundant features to handle different sorts of windows file systems.

The software is made sturdy enough to react with various programming language such as c++, .NET, SQL and grants a great amount of flexibility to perform various functions separately.

Unlike human based input, it does not make errors or even if it makes, it can be occasional. The error handling is made so capable that you can always go through the error logs to rectify and restart the process. Error logs also help you to find various compatibility issues during automation. Our customer support is well equipped in troubleshooting them.

Batch and EXE Automation : An Important Area Of Work For Every Business

Businesses can be small to medium in size and even the large enterprises are seeking methods that can batch schedule their tasks and jobs for the daily business requirements. It is very important to understand that same can be done with the manual integration but in the today's age where every other business is in the competitive environment, the need of automation arises.

Batch job scheduling is nothing but to automate certain set of tasks or even the large number of processes together without including the human input in it. That means, you are sitting at your desk sipping your coffee while the batch scheduler is handling the pending assignments like program execution, data handling, running files, saving, deleting and plethora of other windows based tasks.

This was considered a dream when the idea was introduced. However, it's been years that the businesses have adapted to its functioning and never looked back to old times. VisualCron is one such software that enables you to schedule batch and exe files.

One might think that an automation software like VisualCron must be having some limited areas of work. It is not true. Since the scope of this post is kept around batch automation, we are particularly focussed on explaining those. You can check the numerous other features that VisualCron has to offer.

An average computer user might think that the batch and exe processes are quite few in number. However, the facts say something else. Usually any other program that is running on your computer is an exe. file execution only. You manually go and click the icon each time you wish to run that program. Now imagine a situation that you need to run a program at certain point of time but you have a business meeting. You just want your assistant to do it for you. But hey! What if VisualCron becomes your batch and exe. execution assistant. That sounds like a wonderful idea. Right!

Batch scheduling may involve languages from DOS to VBscript to even Java and .NET. VisualCron has a support for all these languages. Normally FTP file transfer that is highly important as a task can easily be scheduled on VisualCron. It is capable to run any form of windows based script. You can also remotely execute the task by just setting a prior command in it. Script Tasks like vbscript and jsscript can get an execution through cscript.exe in VisualCron.

Visit our website and download your 45 days free trial now!

5 Essential Basics of Task Scheduling That VisualCron Can Resolve

VisualCron has arrived as a boon to all the windows operating system users and its automation capabilities are unmatched. Automation is a requirement of every other person or business nowadays as our daily life is already been loaded with huge amount of tasks and schedules.

Any sort of Virtual windows based task scheduling requirements can easily be fulfilled using the VisualCron. Let's discuss 5 essential basics of task scheduling in windows that VisualCron Handles effectively.

1. Better Job handling

VisualCron is as good as your personal assistant and easily can schedule almost any other windows based foreground or background task. It is a task scheduling software that takes care of programs execution, file functions such as copying pasting and even advanced functions like cloud automation, FTP transfers, auto emailing and lot more. A software that does all that within a small amount of time and with incredible rate is definitely worth your money.

2. Time Exceptions

Time is equivalent to money in the today's world and by owning VisualCron, you literally saves a lot on it. It does numerous amount of tasks and jobs on your system and is a great value for your time and investment. In the event when you have to rush out, it takes care of various tasks automatically. The triggers defined in it make things happen as expected and even the errors during any file execution can be tracked so that you can redo or re-execute them.

3. Flow and Error Handling

VisualCron is built to support even the most recent version of windows operating system version and you would hardly find any error while processing and executing various tasks and jobs. In the case of errors, the log files features additional functions that helps you revoke and re start them again. Unlike humans, it does not make errors quite often and thus saves a lot of energy and time too.

4. Fast Interaction and Processing

VisualCron has the capability to understand various file functions and effectively interact with them. The processing speed is incomparable and you would feel as if lot of hands are working for your windows based programs at the same point of time.

5. Great Pricing

The pricing is kept quite affordable so that almost everyone can easily invest in it and take the benefits of windows automation. It does not require you to be a geek. All functions and features are self explanatory and our customer support is well driven to take care of your needs in the event of troubleshoots.

How Database and Encryption Automation Can Make Your Business Processes Simpler

The database is the backbone of an enterprise and no matter how small or big an enterprise is, it becomes very important to maintain various databases. The database structure and algorithm varies with various tools and softwares and thus the VisualCron is made flexible enough to handle various databases format and work platform.

Automation is not at all a new concept in the business but an age old strategy that has gained a wide acceptance throughout the globe. Imagine a situation where your employees are handling huge amount of databases and find it really hard to cope up with the amount of information they need to dig into. Hence, a software such as VisualCron which is a well effective database automation software can efficiently handle your database preferences on the windows operating system.

VisualCron is equipped with the technologies that can handle three modes for database handling i.e. ODBC, OLEDB and direct mode. Various database handlers like MYSQL, Oracle and MySQL is associated with the direct mode while OLEDB or ODBC is associated with database servers. VisualCron takes care of all of them without creating any hassles for the user.

You can easily manage all the existing connection on the task and trigger dashboard of VisualCron and need not dive into connection settings each time. Once you create a connection, it can automatically be handled by the software until and unless you would need to change password or completely create a new connection trigger. You can always go back and change the settings in the connection wizard.

So, with every form of database connection, the security parameters demands preference. Encryption is the key to a secure connection. Whether it is a file transferring or sending a small email or message, the encryption revokes the readability in between two users communication. VisualCron supports the OpenPGP standards for both asymmetric and symmetric encryption technologies. Algorithms like AES128, AES256,CAST5, 3DES etc, can easily applied to the variety of file systems and the data can be protected against the brutal attacks.

More and more business are adopting the VisualCron for even their day to day automation requirements. For efficient computing and saving time and cost, you can also opt VisualCron. It also comes equipped with many other essential features that you may not wish to lose out. Contact us through for more information on the same.

Business Process Automation and Cloud Automation

Businesses are equipped with multiple processes and tasks on daily basis. The employees work at their pace and make things smooth and integrated. With this, a natural question arises that why should not a business use the power of automation?

Smart businesses have always kept a vision to work smoother and faster through various methods and the business process automation came out as a well defined tool for it. It is globally accepted and has already went through the trials and tests.

Automation is a technology through which the tasks and processes that does not require much of the human intervention but the execution can easily be completed. It prevents the errors on the first hand and make things fast and efficient for any business.

Manual error costs fixing time and even the money while with the automation, the scope for errors gets reduced to a large extent. You can control the process execution so simply that you just have to put some pre-defined triggers and process definition in the automation software like VisualCron. It not just deals well with the windows front running programs but the background ones too.

With the power of cloud automation, the limitless storage, data backup and the file synchronization, the cloud services can easily be integrated with the automation technologies like VisualCron for smoother channelisation of tasks. The business environment has loads of file and folders that require daily back up and this can be easily done with the synchronization. Synchronization is an automation in itself. However, to merge it with the automation software gives it a proper direction of execution and you would not need to look over it each time.

You will find it interesting to know that most popular cloud services like dropbox, amazon s3, azure, google drive and onedrive can easily be integrated with VisualCron. Downloading of files for the local backup or uploading them to the cloud takes just one time setup and you are all set to receive the desired backup results.

Trigger that can be created in an automation software can also track the status of a particular folder or file on the cloud. When the preferable settings for trigger are saved in the software, any changes made on the file or folder over the cloud can be tracked with the trigger firing. You can remotely handle it and even download the files instantly to your local source.

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